Recruitment Management system

Shortlisting, selecting and Hiring suitable candidates for jobs within your organization

Easy Manage

Overall process of attracting, shortlisting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs within an organization.

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Recruit Everywhere

Online recruitment solution allows a company to easily recruit  the different processes involved. The recruiters have different tools to assess candidates who have register  and filled out various application forms

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Recruitment Features 

Applicant Register

Allows applicants to Register online 

Job Description

List all job description for candidate to apply.

Apply Job

Allow candidates to Applu for a Job Online

Candidate details

Admin view all candidate details

Candidate status

List all candidate and status of each one

Recruitment Process

Apply job, shortlisting,Hiring or Rejected

Request Demo

Please provide us the following details to request Recruitment demo, we will send you immediately after we receive the email.

Contact us

Arusha (Head Office) 15 Nyerere Road, Mahakama Street, P.O. Box 1215 Arusha, Tanzania. 
Tel: +255 659 074 444 /

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Recruitment of Product of Habari Node